Decision Quality - DQ

6DQ helps organisations make quality decisions.  Our decision consutlancy allows us to work closely with decision makers and project teams, taking them through the decision-making process. Working with senior management and boards, we help them get the data they need to take the next step. We give them the tools they need to give them confidence in their decision-making.

Decisions are not easy! All relevant internal and external factors and variables need to be highlighted and investigated before moving forward. Along with giving support to decision makers, our role is to help clients challenge their own thinking at every turn. Introducing decision quality to the culture of an organisation will build resilience throughout the organisation, both in terms of its stakeholders and its proposition.


Framing Facilitation

We take decision-makers and project teams on a journey, helping them through that journey, each step of the way. The six-step process starts with Framing, which is used to put the project into context, gain buy-in from team members, and outline the process ahead. The project frame will be determined following a workshop and several meetings. It will align the project’s Opportunity, Scope, Decisions, Options, and Criteria for rigorous assessment.

If necessary, our facilitation continues with ongoing support, further workshops and coaching to individual team members and/or cohorts. We believe that for a company to truly embrace Decision Quality and to get the most value in their decision making, Decision Facilitation should be developed in-house. We provide the support needed to do this, through our Decision Quality Services:

We can facilitate the team through the whole decision making process giving clients access to a toolkit that encourages communication between team members and decision makers.  Using tools and processes that tap into evaluation and insight, we help organisations find the most valuable way forward.

Our consultancy services include:

Working across different industries, including oil & gas, renewables, pharmaceuticals, finance and the public sector, 6DQ supports decision makers with:

      • Asset Strategy
      • Business Strategy
      • Major Investments
      • M&A Support
      • Late Life Asset Strategy
      • Decommissioning

For more information, please contact us directly.



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